Friday 25 July 2014

Starting to fully recover from the very long journey here, our sleeping is all to pot. Had a wonderful day exploring Lima, saw lots of interesting things, from black vultures circling over our heads, Peruvian hairless dogs to inca ruins.

David stroking one of the hairless Peruvian dogs, they have shirt on to keep them cosy. This one is very fashionable and is wearing a little Lacoste number..

Each archaeological site has to have hairless Peruvian dogs at it!
This is a recreation of an Inca tomb, when they die they think that they are reborn, so they are buried with the things they will need, like work tools. This also included the wife who is in the pot nearest with its lid still on. Each tomb has at least one baby in it, the small parcel type object by the man, they believed that a baby was needed to show you the way to the spirit world. One tomb had three babies in it. 

Me, see I am here just avoiding the photos, I am wrapped up all warm, fleece, hoody and jacket. winter here! Apparently it is the coldest it has been here for it was either 16 or 60 years, wasn't sure what was said. Actually not that cold and David at times has been wandering in his t shirt, he does have a sniffle coming on though.  The tour guide put on her sunglasses, me and David just looked at each other and thought steady on, don't get carried away. 

The Peruvian coastline complete with Scottish mist! There is a pelican actually in the sea. Lots of cormorants and black vultures around too.

Some of the local birds, Peruvian dove and we think a long tailed mocking bird, not sure though so ideas on a post card please, there are amazing little blackbirds here too, scrub blackbirds with the most beautiful call. They squat down close to the ground, throw their heads back and warble away. Fandabidozee. 

Met our group last night that we are travelling with, all seem really nice, only four of us doing the complete trek though. Went for some traditional Peruvian food, mmmm interesting, octopus, ceviche and mashed tatties with crab. All I can say is thank goodness for tatties. David either very brave or hungry and ate most of it. The octopus is very chewy and kept him quiet for ages! Need to buy some in when I get home. Heading off soon on our trip so away to stock up on snacks. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you arrived safely. Hope you get over the jet lag in time for your trek. You've obviously seen some interesting wildlife already, even bald dogs!
