Sunday 27 July 2014

The journey continues.

Wow, had a fantastic day yesterday and the sun shone. Whipped out the sunglasses and sun cream before it disappeared, we are desperate to use up sun lotion to lighten our bags! We even zipped of the bottom part of our trousers and bared our knees.

Started the day going to an island which is a bird colony, lots of different birds, including turkey vultures, Peruvian tern , pelicans and even penguins. There were also sea lions and we managed to get really close to them, was brilliant they did not seem to be fazed by it at all.

We then went to a winery where they make the famous Peruvian pisco, we were shown how it was made, everything is still so basic, concrete tubs for squashing the grapes. They do this on a festival day where the women get in and trample them and everyone seems to drink a lot, the festival goes on for ten days. The juice from the wine is then put into ceramic pots to ferment, left over skin and pips are used to fertilise the ground. They had a fantastic plant there with beautiful red flowers which I took a photo of. The guide told us it was a poinsettia and when I looked closer it was , but huge not the totty wee things we get .  We then got to try there wares, we had about eight shots each, David tipsy after first two but he kept going for the team. Was funny watching him though, he did smuggle one to our guide who was more than happy to help! I managed to stop him from dancing, phew! 

In the afternoon we went on sand buggies which was very good but I did have moments when I 
thought what on earth are you doing! David off course loved it especially the sand boarding volunteering , even pushing his way to the front to have a shot. On the very first go, he was basically down the dune while I was still climbing up it. He was first to go , I was last! Typically for us our buggy broke down in the middle of the desert which was a bit of an oops moment , but worked out well, especially for David and the lads on the trip as we had more time for sand boarding, which I 
have to admit was great fun once you got over the fear factor, good job we went to winery first. 
We didn't get photos as didn't want to risk damaging our cameras, which is a pity as the scenery was stunning. 

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