Saturday 2 August 2014

Lots to catch up on.

We had a long bus journey to Arequipa, an over night bus trip, which was very interesting. To go on any bus journey over here you have to show your passport as they have had a lot of hold ups in the past. So we showed our passport, had to go through security checks, which involved getting a metal detector waved over us and we were videoed getting on the bus. They then came on the bus and videoed us sat in our seats before we set off. Not sure if it made us feel safer or not! We were then told to close the curtains for security reasons. The journey involved a lot of long and windy roads, David had a secret peek and realised there was a huge drop on the roadside, so maybe the closed curtains were to stop people screaming. 

We arrived not having slept much although we were provided with a lovely blanket and pillow and headed for a traditional breakfast which resembled a Cornish pasty. David washed his down with a bottle of Scottish Cola, which he posed very proudly with. 

This used to be a boys school but is now full of little shops. Here we are with the group. 

Yuri, our  leader took us to the local market which was full of very interesting things. We went to the fruit stall and tried lots of food, some nice and some not! David liked it all, he comes in handy, he ate what I didn't have. We also went to a veg stall, they have over 3000 types of potato here and over 2000 types of corn.

We went to the fish market where they sold shark, one was lying under the table. One of the stalls was selling mummified llama foetuses which were on display. They burn them along with other things such as herbs and spices in a ceremony, if the smoke is white the gods are happy , if the smoke is black they have to do the whole thing all over again. 

At the market we were advised to buy cocoa leaves which you are supposed to chew to stop altitude 
sickness. We all bought some and the next day as a group we tried it out. Yuck, yuck, yuck, started of not to bad but oh my lord, made me gag, so I haven't done it again. Guess what David thought it was alright, is there nothing he doesn't like! On the long journey to Colca canyon we stopped at a little shack where they sold a mixed herbal tea which again is supposed to stop or ease altitude sickness tried that. Not too bad, we gave some to bagpuss and hootsmin. 

On the table in front of them are cocoa leaf sweets , that's what I am sticking too, far nicer. Now we have lots of cocoa leaves but apparently they are good presents for the porters on the trek. 

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