Saturday 16 August 2014

Camping and random things

Camping on the trek was interesting. Me and David bought sleeping bags which you can zip together to make one big sleeping bag, which we thought would be good for keeping warm, well that's the theory. So on the first night we crawled into the tent, got the separate bags out and zipped them together, got our thermals on and clambered into them for a wee sleep.  We did soon nod off, only to awake with both me and David squashed into one little bit of the tent on David's side , we were on a slope and had slid down. We struggled back to the middle and settled down again, but well it wasn't happening, we couldn't get comfy,so at three in the morning with a head torch clamped to our foreheads we unzipped the bags and went our separate ways. 😞

A short while later we were awake again this time we had both slid to the bottom of the tent, so commando crawled back up to the top. I found the knack was to cling on to the air mattress which didn't move and you stayed in the right position. Camping is so relaxing! 

A random tree which is growing in Macchu Picchu. 

This stone work is supposed to resemble a condor, I must admit I don't really see it. 

This little old lady is carrying alfalfa to the market where she will sell it as feed for llamas and alpacas. She was really laden down but moved so fast. 

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