Sunday 17 August 2014

Amazon Rainforest

A short flight, a minibus ride and a 2 hour boat ride up the  river saw us at Tambopata Lodge where we would stay for two nights in the jungle. As you can see the water is very brown due to the sediments in the river. The weather was lovely, sunny and hot, hooray. 
The view up the river.

Inside and outside our bungalow. There was no electricity in the bungalows so we had to use candles, it was really nice. 

This tree was right outside our bungalow, the blobby bits sticking down are bird nests. We could see black birds with yellow tail feathers going in and out of the nests.

This parrot is tame, and liked to get involved in football games between the locals and the tourists.

Some of the lovely plants outside our bungalows.

On the first night we went armed with torches for a night trek. Sadly the battery died in our good camera so I had to resort to using the iPad from then on, so many photo opportunities were missed. This apparently is a toucanette which we woke up, it was not amused, gave us the evil eye but didn't fly off.

This is a tree boa, but as a group we were not sure if it was real, a path led straight to it conveniently! It was high up in a tree so quite difficult to see clearly. 

In the morning we went back on the boat and headed up the river for our daytime trek. 
There were a few trees in the jungle which vines had grown down and killed, leaving the outer framework of vines as the trees became hollow. Here we are beside one of these. 

David being Tarzan! George George George of the jungle watch out for that tree!

We all went inside one and got our photo taken.

Posing beside one of the big trees.

David was chilling on the hammock when he was joined by this little grasshopper type thing

The guides cracked open these coconut type shells and there were lots of Brazil nuts inside. I did not know they grew like this. The tame parrot decided he would like to nibble on some.

A red squirrel in the rainforest! 

In the evening we were back on the river to look for cayman , which we found a lot of but the iPad is not good for taking photos at night. We saw lots of interesting animals in the jungle, saddle backed tamarin monkeys, howler monkeys, black cayman, white Cayman, turtles, a variety of birds, a tarantula, an electric eel, piranhas, sardines , butterflies galore etc. 

Oops moment. The jungle guide was pointing out a baby tarantula to us when Yuri our leader stepped on it by accident and killed it! 

We had a really good time in the jungle, it was very interesting and lovely and warm. 

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