Friday 22 August 2014

The end of Peru the start of India.

The poor Amazon I didn't seem to write much about, it was really good and we had a great time there but I wrote the blog one of the times I was travelling. I have been in so many airports lately flashing my passport photo to all and sundry.

We left Peru at 2 in the morning night flight to Canada, which saw us jump back in time, we sat in Canada airport for 8 hours and then got another night flight to London. We spent overnight in  London and then got a night flight to Sri Lanka, which saw us jump ahead in time, had an hour there and flew onto Delhi. So we are officially time travellers., all we need are sonic screwdrivers and we can fight aliens and save the universe. Mmmm could be a job opportunity!

The flight to Delhi saw an interesting group of people being brought together in some sort of religious fest. The Indians aboard were probably Hindu, there were a bunch of Muslim men, a Christian convention of about 30 people all with matching baseball caps and bags, some Sikhs,  one Buddhist monk and then there were a few tourists. I feel I should write a song about it to the tune of  On the Twelfth day of Christmas, titled On the Flight to Delhi there was a Motley Bunch.

Anyway, enough of that arrived in Delhi, we had a hotel booked through which was going to send a car to pick us up. We worked our way through customs got outside the airport, no car, we strolled about hoping one would turn up but no joy. So we tried to call the hotel on our mobile phone, no joy, so we decided to go back into the airport to use phone, well what a kerfuffle, soldiers barred our way they were not happy at all. Eventually David negotiated with them, after much passport showing and gesturing that he would go in alone and make call, while I remained outside.

The hotel were not interested and told us just to catch a taxi, so we went to a prepaid taxi place outside the airport as advised by a person waiting at the airport. At this office a very excited man appeared who we took to be the taxi driver who grabbed our luggage trolley and headed off, all of ten steps to the taxi, then wanted money for dong it. We then got into our taxi, well a motorised metal box on wheels and headed to the hotel. At the hotel there was no apology about lack of car.and we were shown to our room. It was like an episode of An Idiot Abroad where Karl gets the worst room. There were clean sheets, but walls dirty, electric lamp fixed with tape and headboard nailed to wall squint. So David went and asked for another room which we got, the bedroom bit was a lot nicer so we agreed to it and I went for a shower. Remember, we have had lots of disturbed nights up to this and David not feeling well. Well shower head and hose not connected, so we decided to try and reattach, wasn't happening, so David went back to reception came back with a boy who only spoke Hindi who tried to fix the shower, he then left came back with tape and taped bits together! By this point I was beyond it and nodded alright and the boy left, so I went to have shower, to realise there was no shower door! Had shower anyway.

We stayed awake most of the night , as horrendous noise and decided we didn't want to stay.
The next day we nipped out across the road to a McDonalds just so we could get a drink for David to take medication when another Indian sidled up to me and said " I like your hair." What! I muttered thanks and moved away but he came and sat beside us and thankfully he turned out alright. He thought we looked sad and wanted to help. He asked why we were in the area and said to leave if possible as very dodgy, he actually said we should leave Delhi and go to the countryside. He advised us to go to the official tourist board place and actually got a tuk tuk to take us there. At this place they also advised us to leave Delhi, they got us a car and driver and booked us a hotel in Rishikesh so that is where we are now.

On the way to Rishikesh the driver stopped at dodgy hotel where we were told to grab bags, tell them we were checking out but not to say anything more.

Anyway Rishikesh is lovely but very hot, David taking really bad, so we have been in hotel pool most days just to cool off. It is at the foothills of the Himalayas so has a lot of wildlife around, we have seen plenty of monkeys and cows! Cows galore , all shapes and sizes and you know what that
 means, lots of cow pats! There is supposed to be panthers, elephants and snakes around too.

Our driver who is staying with us until we go back to Delhi, has been taking us for walks in The area and to local temples.   Tonight he is taking us to a ceremony in a temple which happens at sunset. So from a horrendous start we have landed lucky, and that is what makes adventures.

We liked this sign. 

Our driver Mr Dhobi with a cow that wouldn't leave me alone he is trying to get it away from me.

One of the Hindu gods.

   Sat by the river Ganges, we are laughing because our driver didn't know how to take photo, ended up with about ten copies , a nearby policeman came to help.

A cow coming up from the river.

Our driver shared his knowledge of the local species when I asked what type of monkeys they were he said the one above is crazy monkey, the one below sensible monkey. So there you have it! 

Talk about crazy, the locals here seem to be obsessed with us! They keep taking our photo, this ranges from subtle like from a distance, shoving a phone camera in your face or taking selfies beside us! A lot of tourists come here so seems strange. At times when we sit down they sit beside you and just smile or shake your hand. A bit off putting to start with and there must be many photos out there of me either scowling, looking surprised or terrified. 

Leave here tomorrow for Delhi to join next tour group. 

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