Wednesday 10 December 2014

Kiwi bits and bobs.

Name and shame shoplifters.

While we were in Napier which is a lovely town on the North Island,  with a lot of buildings in the style of Art Deco, we had a stroll around the shops. Part of this is the usual window shopping that everyone does when something caught our eye, notices in the windows which named and shamed shop lifters. Maybe I shouldn't say named but there were photos, stills from the CCTV cameras, with them in action and alongside it commentary on what they stole and how much the items were worth. Can you imagine if that happened in Britain, they would probably sue the shop keeper would be against their human rights !

How to keep a Kiwi young.

Margaret, my friend who retired over here, is very young looking, extremely fit and still runs long distances regularly. However, she is amazed at how young looking some of the people are over here. I think I know their secret.
 1. They put sun cream on every day, the ozone layer is thinner over NZ which means they are moisturising every day.
2. The settings for crossing the road are very short, so when it goes on green for walk you basically have to sprint across if you want to reach the other side before it goes red. A little bit of aerobic exercise is good for you after all.

Muggles in Kaikoura

While we were in Kaikoura David was looking for a geocache which was hidden in a hedge. Where the hedges grew it was a little bit like a maze or a walkway, with two hedges running parallel to each other and a gap in between. David went down the gap while I continued down the path a little bit then stopped and turned to look back at him. While I was stood there, two women came through the gap and saw David, so their attention was taken up by him looking very dodgy in the bushes. They then turned to continue my way,which made them jump when they saw me,  as I was just stood there looking at them. I felt I needed to explain what was going on, first of all they didn't believe me, but then the older woman thought  it sounded familiar and got quite excited. So, now both her and David were ferreting in the hedge , while the other woman asked me questions about it. Thankfully it was found , so David and the two ladies were very happy. 

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