Monday 15 June 2015

Back to Skiathos - follow that bike

After spending a couple of lovely relaxing days ( apart from climbing steep streets) we returned to Skiathos. Once again we found ourselves walking onto a ferry, the ferry that we used to get to Skopelos and back was a lot smaller than the ferry we used from Volos. Although it was a lot smaller, it was a lot noisier! It really chugged through the water. 

Unfortunately this ferry was really early in the morning which meant we arrived in Skiathos very early, too early to go to our next lodgings. So we went and sat on the picturesque area right beside the port which I mentioned in an earlier post. From our seat we could see the cafes setting up for the morning and cats, lots of cats milling around beside the boats. One of the cats seemed to be fishing, fishing for sea gulls. The cat had bread which was on the floor close to, but a little bit away from a park bench. The cat hid behind the bench and every time a gull came down the cat would pounce, the gulls however always got away. 

After a few hours we decided to go and look for our next lodgings, we had been told it was right on the sea front and we did have a rough idea where it was as David had looked for it on google maps. We wandered up the street we thought it was on but no joy, at the end of the street was a tourist information place so we popped in there and asked them. The young girl in there told us to ask at the nearby cafe as they knew the island and she didn't , mmmm maybe not the best person for her job, tourist information ! So we asked at the cafe, the waitress there wasn't sure but very kindly phoned the number on our booking form, after a short conservation on the phone she told us to wait in the cafe as someone was coming to get us. 

After waiting about 15 minutes a woman turned up on a scooter, very doll upped, heavy make up and wearing a silky dress, she leapt of the scooter skipped towards us and gave us big hugs and kisses. This was the owner of our lodgings, after a quick chat she told us to follow her, she then leapt on her bike and drove off, with me and David trying to keep up as she sped off, bizarre ! Thankfully, it was a very short distance, I mean ridiculously short, so we never lost sight of her but why, oh why did she need to bring her scooter in the first place, it was so close! 

The lodgings were lovely, decorated in beautiful Mediterranean colours,very romantic looking and once again we had a balcony which over looked the harbour. The photo above shows the view we had from our balcony. While we were there we watched the little fishing boats come in and sell their catch from the back of the boat. Now, that's what you call fresh. 

We spent the day wandering around the town and managed to find some lovely hand made souvenirs. On our first visit to the island we saw a man making ceramic things outside his shop, this time we went in and treated ourselves to a ceramic fish mobile. 

After a good nights sleep we caught the big ferry back to Volos and headed for Bulgaria. 

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