Monday 1 June 2015

How could I forget Czech Republic !

We spent one night in the Czech Republic before going on to Poland , so this post is out of sync with the others.  In my defence I will say it was because I tried to erase it from my memory as a traumatic experience. It was there I was truly put in my place and told off by a young whippersnapper! 

Why, where and when , I hear you ask. Well, after settling into our new hotel we went down to the reception desk and were asking questions about the local area when I inadvertently said Czechoslavakia, well that sent the receptionist off.  He didn't shout but went off on a rant about Czech Republic and Slovakia being split for 25 years, etc etc. you could tell after he had let off steam he felt a bit awkward and didn't know what to do with himself, I didn't say another word neither then or the rest of my stay to him, I wasn't in a huff just scared to talk. I felt so small and it was just a slip of the tongue. 

Now, I know there are people who get uptight about this sort of thing,  we come across people who think Scotland is part of England and others who think England and just England is Great Britain but basically you can correct people without telling them off. Anyway, that is in the past now and I will always  remember that Czech Republic and Slovakia split up 25 years ago! 

We stayed in a town called Olomouc, the hotel was on the outskirts so we set off to explore the town. Once again we had beautiful weather to wander around, in a way there was nothing particularly special about this town but at times it's just nice to explore away from the usual tourist spots. 

In several of the places we have stayed or travelled through there have been railway lines with no barriers or fences either at crossings or running alongside. In this town we had to cross the lines at two different points and basically you just look left and right like you do crossing the road. It made us wonder what their rail accident rate is compared to Britain's, what with us having barriers, signs, flashing lights and sirens. 

We did visit this church which was set in a garden area within a housing scheme. I sat there in the sunshine for a while , David meantime was geocaching. All the time he was loitering around the church there was an elderly couple sat on one of the other benches giving him the eye. Don't blame them, people must wonder what he is up to. 

Before we headed off the next morning we went to get petrol, brought back memories of days gone by when I saw the petrol pump. 

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