Saturday 30 May 2015

A night at the museum - Nowy Sacz, Poland

We were going to stay one more night in Poland before we headed for Bulgaria, mainly to split the journey up as it was too long to do in one go. This time we were heading for Nowy Sacz, which is classed as being in Lesser Poland, which I think sounds a bit unfortunate. Anyway, after another long drive the Satnav took us to a museum, yes a museum! I wasn't convinced we were in the right place but David never doubts the Satnav, so we got out walked through the courtyard, struggled to find a door in but then found a reception type place. We arrived at about five o'clock in the evening so the place was really quiet, no one was wandering around. 

I asked the lady if it was  an hotel or a museum , she insisted they were an hotel and seeing a rating displayed on the wall, I felt relieved that we had actually found the right place. After giving us the keys to our place, we told her where we were parked and she didn't think that was safe,  so asked us to bring the car into the courtyard, which we did. However, when she saw were we parked it she said, " You can't park it there we are a museum." So it was a museum and an hotel. 

The closest thing I could describe it to is Beamish, a living museum near Newcastle in Britain, where old houses and streets are set up for you to wander around and explore with old artefacts related to the building in place. This was like an old fashioned town square, with one main building which I think used to be the town hall as the hotel but there were little houses/shops set around too. It was very quaint, sadly we arrived too late in the day to see the shops open and then left early before they opened. 

Even our room was done up in the style of the museum, I think we were in the servants quarters, we know our place. One of our daughters thinks it looks like a convent. There was just a net curtain on the window, so we used a towel to block out some of the light. 

Strange but true there was a geocache in the area, so with it being a nice night we headed out to try and find it. Well, David tried to find it while I just enjoyed the walk. To start off with it was really nice, beautiful woodland, birds singing and in a church hall an orchestra was practising, so we were walking along to lovely music. 

I really like bridges, I don't know why so I was particularly happy when the walk took us over a river.

David wandering off to find a geocache, only to backtrack as he went the wrong way.

There were some unusual flowers on the route, although I bet somebody reading this will be saying, that's a weed, pull it out. 

The path really did lead through some beautiful woodland and the lighting in the trees was gorgeous. 

One of the paths led  to the church where the band was playing, outside was this small religious memorial which had been decorated with white flowers,  as had the doorway of the church. While in Poland  we saw lots of children dressed up in white  outside churches,  so I think it may have been Confirmation  Day, where children and sometimes adults are confirmed into their church. 

Then the lovely walk went horribly wrong as we basically got lost following the GPS for the geocaching . This saw us walking down private roads, over people's land, setting their dogs off and basically wandering aimlessly for ages. To make matters worse we never did get on the right path so basically had to retrace our steps, setting the dogs off again. 

I was not a happy bunny and was stomping along thinking of ways the GPS could meet with a nasty accident. Thank goodness it was single beds that night! 

After an early night we woke up to get our breakfast, which unusually was not in the hotel building but across the courtyard in a separate building altogether. 

This is some of the buildings in the courtyard. 

The building below is where we slept, can you see the tiny windows in the roof, that was where we were. 

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