Saturday 2 May 2015

St Vincent - the next stop on the Caribbean cruise.

Over night we sailed to the island of St Vincent, berthing in the port of Kingstown. This was a lovely town , one of my favourites on the tour. Not a lot of cruise ships go to this island as it has a small harbour but this is what probably added to its charm, as it was less touristy than the other islands and you also got less hassle from taxi drivers and tour companies when you stepped off the ship. 

We didn't go on an official tour this time and just decided to wander around the town by ourselves exploring. Using a town map provided by the ship we wandered off heading in the direction of Fort Charlotte. It was a good walk but mainly up hill in hot weather, the walk led us out of the town centre  through outlying houses and up to a prominent point on the cliff top. Fort Charlotte was used as a good lookout point and first point of defence against any intruders. There are many similar forts dotted about on the islands in this area. 

As we walked through the houses on the outskirts of town many of the locals shouted hello and asked how we were, all were very friendly and wanted to talk for talkings sake, no one tried to sell us anything. Many just shouted and waved from their doorsteps or balconies.

From the fort we could see for miles, so it was well worth the climb. 

Some of the original cannons were still in place but to be honest apart from the view there wasn't a lot  else to see. There were people hanging around the fort  car park who were offering to be your guide but we declined which they accepted politely and just wished you a nice visit. There were notice boards around the place which gave you information on what you were seeing or what had happened there. 

David stood at this wall enjoying the view looking out to sea .....

....not realising this wee lizard was at his finger tips.

On the walk up to the fort we passed this nursery which seems to have Scottish connections. 

As I say the locals are friendly !!
This sign was in a shop window. 

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