Wednesday 13 May 2015

Life on the ocean wave.

The Thomson Dream ship is a lot bigger than the Thomson Celebration cruise ship and although it was still nice, we did prefer the smaller Celebration ship. Actually getting anywhere in this ship seemed to take forever and it's corridors were eternal. This is the view from our cabin door, facing one way then another down the corridor, you actually can't see the end in the top photo! 

David couldn't get his bearings at all and even at the end of two weeks would head off in the wrong direction. Luckily, I had got the gist of it. It was a nightmare finding the gym though, going up the wrong stairway could lead you totally off into the wrong direction or to a dead end! I think part of the problem was that apparently, according to the cruise information booklet, the ship originally used to be smaller. When it was bought by Thomsons it was cut in half and a section put in to make it bigger. When David told me this it put me off a little, making me think of cut and shut cars! 

This cruise had more days at sea, which of course gave more opportunities for me to feel sea sick but it also gave  me more chance to top up my tan just like Bagpuss, my faithful travelling companion. I would sit there munching green apples and ginger nuts like they were going out of fashion, as they are supposed to ease travel sickness. Not sure if they work but wasn't actually sick, so maybe! 

On one of the days at sea, in the middle of nowhere we suddenly had pigeons flying around the ship. I was a bit concerned for them because whenever they tried to land on the ship they seemed to be put off by the people there. I was quite anxious that they would get tired out but then one, quickly followed by two others joined me sunbathing.  

To be honest, I am not actually very good at sun bathing as I  always sit in the shade or cover myself up but at least I get fresh air. Peely wally white, that's me. 

On this cruise too we had a couple of Force 8 and 9 storms which apparently were very scary. I say apparently as we weren't aware of them , I think we slept through the worst of it. As we went to bed we were aware the ship was moving more than normal but that's it. When  we got up the next day other passengers were saying how scary it was,  we didn't get to go to one port as it was too windy for us to manoeuvre in, even with the help of tug boats. 

Life on this ship was interesting  to say the least,  there was even an outbreak of suspected norovirus. This meant the buffet meals were now served to you, causing long queues in the dining areas but needs must, as they say. Sadly this also meant the end of Mr Whippy ice cream for the duration of our journey. Me and David were fine, I think our spell in India has cured us of all ills. 

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