Monday 25 May 2015

Germany -Wolf Park

Just across the border from Luxembourg in Germany is a wolf park that David found out about on the Internet. So, after a very short journey we found ourselves walking amongst the wolves, who obviously were safely on the other side of a wire in their enclosures. 

As soon as we got out of the car we could hear some of the wolves howling which made us more eager to see them. The park is free to walk around there wasn't even a donation box or a souvenir shop to buy things , which is a pity as I would have liked to help support it. Although it was unclear why they were being kept there or where they had come from, so I don't know if they were rescued or captured! 

There were several packs of wolves all within their own enclosures. The packs mainly consisted of six wolves. Each enclosure was very big and covered a wide area of woodland but obviously in the wild they would have a huge range to run around. I did see one wolf pacing the length of the fence but the others seemed happy enough. 

The walk itself through the woodland is beautiful, work was being done on the pathways which are just made of earth but that is good as it keeps it more natural. The soil there is very red. There were also a couple of two storey hides so you can see the wolves if they are not close to the fence. 

From there we set off to our hotel for the night, as we drove along this aeroplane suddenly flew across in front of the car, a bit too close for comfort. 

Our hotel was beautiful and was set in the Bavarian Forest, there were loads of walk ways and paths for cycle runs. Bikes could be used from the hotel. You could also go for pony treks,  the ponies were lovely, a beautiful toffee brown colour with cream manes. We were greeted at the reception desk by a curvy fräulein in traditional costume,  an added bonus for David ! 

The hotel upgraded our room so we ended up with a four poster bed, a sitting room area, a little hall way which the bathroom was off and it even had a bath. I really like having a bath and used  to have one every Friday night after a busy week at work. A wee treat! 

After we had booked in and got settled into our room we went for a walk in the surrounding countryside, it was very serene and calm. 

After that we were ready for tea, we looked at the menu which was up outside the hotel and obviously it was all in German so we had a stab at deciphering it. We could work out the  words scampi and tagliatelle , so fingers crossed we went in and hoped for the best. 

The waiter inside was lovely and luckily spoke good English and even gave us menus in English, 
which was a relief. We both opted for Pork schnitzel as we had had that in another country and enjoyed it. David had chips and I went for a potato salad but it was  not potato salad as we know it, it tasted alright but it didn't look too appealing, being yellow and shiny! 

David also had a colaweiser which is cola and beer mixed together, like a shandy made with cola. Sounds horrible but was actually alright. 

The waiter we had was from Poland and that was another place we were going to , so we had a nice conversation with him about where to go. Nothing is really planned for this trip, we are just taking it day by day. He recommended Kraków and as that is close to Auschwitz, another place we had thought about visiting we decided to go there. 

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