Saturday 9 May 2015

Cruise number 2 - here we go again

David enjoyed the first cruise so much he thought he would go and see what else was on offer down the tourist agents, this resulted in him booking another cruise in the Caribbean this time on the Thomson Dream ship. We were flying from Newcastle so took the opportunity to visit our daughter who lives down that way. 

Our flight took off early in the morning and we were supposed to arrive at 4 o'clock, teatime in Jamaica. However,  as you know things do not always go to plan and three hours into our flight a message came over the tannoy and there was a problem, something to do with an indicator light and the engine. This meant we had to fly back to Britain, so six hours after we took off from Newcastle we landed in London. There we were given £7 in vouchers each to spend on food while they sorted the problem, trust me £7  does not get you a lot in a London airport, probably any airport! 

We did find something to eat though and used the free wifi to send this happy photo of David back home to the family. 

After about four hours we got back on the plane and headed off again. We arrived very late in Jamaica and it seemed like most of the staff had gone home to their beds which meant queuing up to get through immigration took even longer. We eventually reached the ship at about half past two in the morning. Tired and uncomfortable we all wanted to head to our cabins to sleep,  instead we were all shepherded to the theatre and given a safety talk and to be shown how to put on our life jackets. 
So it was about three o'clock  before we got to our beds. I actually felt more sorry for the people who were waiting to catch our plane back,  as they also had been held up. 

This was to be the start of a very eventful cruise which also included an outbreak of suspected 
Norovirus  and an emergency journey back to an island so a passenger could be admitted to hospital. 

Our first two days were in ports in Mexico, we just explored on the first day and seemed to walk for miles along a very beautiful seafront which had many amazing statues along it. Notice the size of their flag, it was huge,  obviously very proud of it.  The dodgy man in the water behind David is actually cleaning the fountain, there was two men there but one hid as I took the photo. 

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