Sunday 5 October 2014

Little snippets

In Thailand whenever you are given food you are given a fork and spoon, no knife. After eating lots of Asian food over the last few weeks we decided to nip to the local supermarket and bought some cheese and crackers which we were going to eat in the kitchen area where we are staying. The receptionist came up and asked if we needed anything, we said "No, we were just eating cheese and crackers." So she asked if we needed a spoon, "No," I said "we are eating cheese and crackers" waved one at her and asked if she would like one. She said "No, but do you want a spoon." Why, why would I want a spoon!

After getting my clothes laundered one time I was missing a pair of leggings so have been trying to replace them. In the market we eventually came across a pair I looked at the label for a size, it said F, not sure what that meant, I decided that F means fat, yippee my size. Not my price though, didn't buy them.

The taxis in Koh Tao were like really big cars with open backs, if you wanted one you climbed in the back, the only prob is that the drivers wouldn't move until it was full so you had to wait until more people were going your way or pay over the odds to go earlier. We walked!  There are two types of taxis in Chang Mai, private taxis or red taxis. The red taxis are cheaper and look like little buses but will pick up more passengers as they go along,  so although you will reach your destination it may be the scenic route depending on where the other passengers are going. Taxi drivers often shout out to get your attention, kerb crawl beside you or toot at you and usually when you are just out strolling and exploring the area, which always amazes me as we are  obviously not looking for a taxi as we slowly meander along.

Can't remember if I mentioned this in blog before but was just thinking about it now, we often get
hassled by people who are trying to sell their wares or services, although this hasn't happened a lot in Thailand. In Peru a man kept offering to clean my shoes,waving shoe polish and brushes at me, I declined and walked away, he came after me again I declined and walked away, once again he came after me. David who was a small distance away came over realising I was getting harassed and asked what was going on. I said " He wants to polish my shoes, which wouldn't be so bad but I have trainers on!" In India a guy kept hassling David, he was an ear cleaner!

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