Wednesday 15 October 2014

Walking street Market Chang Mai

When we booked into the nice hotel for my birthday this notice was on the door, the top part you see everywhere but the bottom part I have not seen before. Curious I googled Durians, apparently it is a very smelly fruit, smells like rotten meat, yuck. So the question is who was the first person to peel it and thought that smells nice I will give it a go! 

Just around the corner from the hotel is the Sunday walking street market. It is amazing they close the roads and stalls set up in front of the shops that are there all the time. There are many interesting sights and lots to buy, if we weren't moving around so much I would have bought loads. Luckily I have got rid of some clothes lately so had some space to squeeze things in. I will however need to come back here as I have my eye on a few things. 

There is a section where there are a lot of musicians busking, a lot of them seem to be blind, have limbs missing  or in wheelchairs . The above band are blind and played lovely tunes. There was also a very old band, whose collective age must have been 400 and there were only 4 in the band. There was a young Thai girl playing a guitar and singing she could only have been about 5. 

This stall sold dog clothes, yup it happens over here too, dogs get dressed up. Can you see the hair being blown by the fan.

This man is weaving banana leaves into items, he is wearing a banana hat. We saw a lovely grasshopper made out of banana leaves but it would be too fragile to carry home.

This man was making things out of string, such as elephants, dragons and squirrels. We bought a squirrel, the owner of the guesthouse said he had never seen anyone buy a squirrel one before. Ours is going in the summerhouse back home.

This man is stripping sugar cane which is then put  into a crushing device to get sugar cane juice which people were buying. 

You may need to enlarge this photo. There were stalls advertising yummy ice cream but this appealed more. Ancient ice cream, I wonder what it's sell by date is!

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