Saturday 4 October 2014

The Ping doesn't pong!

After settling into the hotel we set out to explore the area and to get something to eat, armed with a new map from the hotel we had a general idea where we were going and set off. The weather here is absolutely roasting so even at five o'clock at night we were sweltering walking along the road. Using the map we were soon heading over the River Ping which although brown and murky does not pong. We actually sat on the riverside to have our tea which was lovely, all lit up by lanterns

After our hectic couple of days travelling we decided to have an early night. We slept really well in our lovely room and headed down the next day for breakfast where we were presented with a menu, which included things like sweet and sour chicken, pork fried rice, fried vegetables along with the standard omelette and toast.  So we were well fed when we headed out once more to explore the city.

There is a nice feel to the city although there is traffic it is not so noisy and chaotic as other cities we have been to and it was nice to wander around the streets. A couple of men spoke to us during the day, asking where we were from , how long we were staying and what our plans were and both gave us ideas what to do, without being pushy or trying sell us something. It is sad that due to past experiences and also from warnings we have been given you are immediately wary when people start talking to you , when in reality there are genuine people out there who try to help and I think some just want to practise their English with someone who actually speaks it. Although the city is nice there is not actually a lot to do within it , once again there were many temples to see. 

This sign was at one of the temples. 

David calls this picture The Dragon with the Dragon, don't know what he means. 

Around the old town there are remnants of  old walls, there is also a moat that goes around it all. The moat is still there and you can see it in the picture. 

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