Friday 14 November 2014

Here comes the bride and another and another.

In HoChiMinh there is a Notre Dame Cathedral built by the French colonists,  which David seemed surprisingly interested in seeing, so of we set to look for it. After a very long, hot walk we arrived, well to be honest it wasn't worth it but it was pretty in a church sort of way. It was open so you could go in but access was very limited. 

Then it became clear why David was interested there was a geocache hidden at the rear of the building outside,  so off we duly wandered with him clutching his G.P.S . Now, this is where it became quite interesting  from my point of view.  Unexpectedly, we saw a bride and groom posing for their wedding photos, there were no other wedding guests there, just them and thankfully so, as some of the photos were literally taken in the middle of the road with scooters, cars etc whizzng past, honking their horns, romantic! Now, we were close to a cathedral but they weren't posing in front of it  but at the side,and a side which wasn't particularly interesting.

Then we saw another wedding couple doing exactly the same, we wandered past them to the back of the building  where there were two more girls, not together but individually getting their photos taken. These girls were posing on Zebra crossings, bizarre. 
If you look closely you will see the two wedding couples we first saw. I had to take loads of photos to get one without traffic in. 

Anyway, we are now at the back of the cathedral where the two girls are posing and can also now see down the other side of the building.  I am not kidding you there were another six brides and grooms posing there. So, can you imagine the scene, eight wedding couples, two individual girls posing around this building and amongst it all is David, doing his casual scanning of the area  and wandering back and forwards looking for potential hiding spots. I am just stood to the side observing it all, keeping my distance from David, who to be truthful is looking a bit dodgy. Add to this the two tourist buses that turned up with tourists and just parked at the side of the building, all the traffic flowing past and the locals milling around  ignoring it all. Goodness knows what the wedding photos look like, but I am sure there will be a rather furtive David in the back of some of them. 

Across the road from the cathedral is the Post Office which we were also recommended to see, it is very much like an old Victorian railway station inside and out. 

The view of the cathedral from the front. 

From here we went onto a museum which wasn't that great but inside there were another two wedding couples posing among the rather dusty artefacts.  Lovely. 

Apparently in some Asian countries wedding photos are taken before the wedding. I hope nobody got cold feet and did a runner, that would be a whole load of photos you wouldn't want. 

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