Wednesday 12 November 2014

What a lovely day for a picnic.

We arrived at the War Remnants museum at eleven o'clock in the morning and there was a sign in the window, saying that it closed for an hour at half twelve for dinner. We thought that's alright we have an hour and a half to do the museum, no problem, so we went in. Well, it was so interesting that we had only done one and half of the floors when an announcement came over the tannoy , they were shutting for lunch but to hold onto our tickets as we could come back after.

So along with most other people we trooped out, although amazingly some people were going in the wrong direction and heading further up into the museum . Some people it seems, think that rules do not apply to them.

We wondered what to do for an hour and then remembered the lovely looking park we had passed on the way. First of all we went into a local supermarket,  bought some snacks for a picnic and headed towards it. The park was very busy, mainly with secondary school children who also seemed to be using it during their lunch.  There were also a lot of people, including the children posing for photos and I mean posing, everywhere we have been on our trip we have seen people posing, and I mean posing, not just standing for a picture. Honestly, some of them even take props and changes of outfits with them and Asian people are the worst. They are not doing any harm and it is quite fun to watch although sometimes they do get in your way!

It was lovely sitting in the park, which had many decorative features, which just begged to be posed at.  I enjoy a bit of people watching and there was plenty to watch, we also did some posing of our own.

Bagpuss looking very attractive in a flower ensemble

 Super Bagpuss,  to the rescue protecting David's head from the sun. 

Elegant as ever! Goddess like, methinks.

Yikes , spikes 

The Two Dragons

Taming the beast.
( I want a hedge like this at home)

 The lily pond.

 Lots of people posed by this, it's like a mini temple, the height of me. 

If you look closely at this picture you will see two young ladies who were on a posing mission. They had , props, accessories and the ability to drape gracefully on any feature. They were there before we got there and were still there when we left, but they are young and gorgeous so why not. 

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