Thursday 6 November 2014

Last few days in Phnom Penh

After moving from our last hotel where they wanted us to climb a ladder to sleep in a musty cupboard
We ended up in a really nice hotel, the One Up Banana Hotel. The staff were really lovely and so was our room. In our bathroom, was this sign,which makes you think, really did you need to tell me that, but obviously some customers do need to be told. 

In the evening we went exploring again as we were now in a different area of Phnom Penh, I didn't take my  iPad to take photos as it is not very good in the dark but I wish I had. The streets we walked were very pretty with lit up fountains and statues. We also saw people sat at the  side of the road with huge oil cans, from which they were selling smaller amounts to motorbike and tuktuk drivers. Really weird, so anyone can set up a petrol pump at the side of the road. We had previously seen glass bottles full of oil being sold at stalls on the roadside but thought it was cooking oil. Any old bottle is used, coke,wine, whiskey you name it, we saw it. Then we saw one being bought and poured straight into a petrol tank ! Ready made petrol bombs if you ask me, health and safety wouldn't like it! 

On one of the days we visited the National Museum, it was not very interesting to be truthful, lots of lumps of stone from temples around Cambodia but the building was pretty, which you can see below. 

Outside the museum was a geocache which David obviously wanted to go looking for, we set off in the right direction towards what used to be the main gate. After fumbling around for a while and peering into nooks and crannies, David decided he couldn't find it, so I took a photo of him bedside the gate to prove that he had been there, as you can sometimes claim a find that way. So, we were walking away from the gate when this women suddenly came running after us shouting. We ignored her to start off with as you often get people hassling you to buy something, when she said, " Wait, wait I know what you look for." At that David turned around and after we had ascertained that she 
wasn't after money, she led us back to the gate. She wouldn't tell David where it was but it became a bit like that game, Cold, Warm, Hot when somebody hides something and you have to look for it and as you get close to the object they say warmer, warmer, hot etc. Well he still couldn't find it, so she got out her phone , used the mirror app on it and started crawling along the ground pointing the phone   under the gate. At this point I walked away, I wasn't standing too close to them anyway but I distanced myself even more! Eventually it was seen but it was too far up for them to reach, at that she told David that she was going to get the guards to take the gate of the hinges, so they could get it. Now the point of this treasure hunt is to be subtle and not let non geocachers know what you are up to.  Thankfully David told her not to bother and to just leave it, we walked away, goodness knows what she did. 

One of the days we went to Wat Phnom, a Buddhist temple which is on the one and only high point in Phnom Penh and that isn't high. Legend has it that a lady called Penh found four Buddhists in the Mekong river and built the Wat to house them. Phnom means hill and Penh comes from the name of the lady and that is how Phnom Penh got its name. Inside it was very pretty , there were loads of Buddhas in there and the walls had lovely scenes painted on them.

Outside the Wat I was approached by a mum with three young children she wanted me to say hello and shake hands with all three, which I did. Then she wanted the youngest to kiss me on the cheek and me to kiss him on the cheek. I don't know who was more scared me or the child. David just thought it was funny. 

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