In Kathmandu they struggle with the electricity, there is just not enough for everyone, so they ration it around the city, so different areas get it at different times. Here is our hotel schedule..
The Garden of Dreams is a beautiful calm place to go in hectic Kathmandu, within its walls you really feel like you have escaped from it all. It was made by Kaiser Shamser and originally had 6 areas which link to the 6 Nepali seasons. After he died it went into the care of the government but was neglected for decades, but was then partly restored. There are now only three pavilions left from the six there used to be.
This marble slab has lines from a poem on it, it was damaged by an earthquake in 1934 but they have tried to disguise the cracks by making them look like ivy.
One of the blooms, it was huge bigger than my hand.
Hiding from the sunshine
It's a hard life.
If you look through the arch you will see children, there was a school trip and yet there wasn't much for the children to do. All I saw them do was sit there and eat a snack and then run around for over an hour, then they had snack again. I felt sorry for the teachers trying to keep them contained, in saying that they were all very well behaved.
The goddess below is called Nike, the goddess of victory, is that were the Nike brand comes from?
Posing with the elephants.
We spent a few hours here relaxing and watching the world go by. The lovely three striped squirrels were here too and were great to watch as they are obviously used to people so were coming quite close.
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