Sunday 7 September 2014

Not another bus trip!

To reach our next destination we yet again climbed onto the minibus, now we were heading for Pokhara, a place where you can do more adventurous activities and also see the mountains. 
On the way we saw many sights.

This elephant was heavily laden down with foliage, I wonder if it is food for itself. 

This is a primary school which we stopped at to use their toilet! I know wouldn't be allowed here, bus tours nipping in to use the facilities, as it happened we didn't because none of the toilets were working and yet the children were still in school. All of the children seemed happy and were waving at us but some were asking for food from their class windows! 

This is a huge suspension bridge going across the river, beautiful views from it. This was right beside the school.

The man below walked up the road with his three cows, he led them to the ditch at the side of the road where they started to nibble on the foliage. He then went to the shops/ shacks across the road, reminded me of people in Britain walking their dog to the corner shop tying it up outside and nipping for a pint of milk. 

Oh oh, dodgy geezer alert, I think David got bored so decided to annoy me. 

This snail was at the roadside cafe we stopped at, I really like its shell. 

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