Thursday 25 September 2014

Sai Yok Waterfall and the riverboat on the Kwai

After our visit to the Bridge over the River Kwai we headed to a riverboat restaurant where we had a nice Thai dinner, chicken , vegetables, rice and noodles, with watermelon for pudding. As we were sitting eating, I was gauging the toilet facilities to see what they were like. In a few places over here men and women share facilities and this was one of those places, with one cubicle being on offer with a wonky door, in full view of everyone. I was waiting for someone to go in, so I could see beyond the door, eventually a man went in and I saw that this was a toilet which had a seat! Bonus! 

Plucking up courage I decided to use the facilities to realise that there were a lot of gaps, shall we  say in the floorboards through which you could see fish swimming about underneath you. An added attraction that you don't see every day. 

After lunch we all piled back in the mini bus, and headed off to the local National Park to see the beautiful Sai Yok waterfall. It was lovely but we were totally unprepared and didn't realise you could swim there. After watching other people for a while splashing about in the water we went to explore. David took his handy geocache GPS out of his pocket and lo and behold there was a geocache  a few metres away hidden in a disused train

David ferreting for the geocache .

The royal wave. 

We then went for a wander through the national park, following a sign that pointed to a cave, well we climbed and climbed and then walked through beautiful greenery to eventually come to where the cave was, with a big sign saying CLOSED. What! Could they not have put that sign at the bottom of the hill. Anyway, being positive it was a lovely walk which at times was quite eerie as we were hearing strange noises around us, David preferred it to our jungle walk through India. 

Heading back to the waterfall David decided to rake out his costume from his rucksack and go for a swim. I was left looking after the bags , not only for him but for a younger couple who also decided to take the plunge. They had a great time, I was eaten alive by mozzies and wasps kept crawling on me, thankfully wasps don't bother me. 


There was a very strange lady at the waterfall, a local I presume, she wandered up to three different people and would grab their arm, or other body part and feel it like she was diagnosing something and was muttering away.  She walked up to one woman,  who shall we say was cuddly,  and jabbed her in the tummy and walked off. She started to get close to me so I made a hasty retreat. 

After the waterfall we went to where we were staying overnight, lo and behold it was the same place we went for dinner. Our room was alright, well it was clean. In the shower there was just a hole in the floor where the water ran straight into the river! 

The evening meal was very similar to dinner time and it was lovely sitting on the river boat as the sun went down. 

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