Monday 29 September 2014

There's a gecko on my pillow! Koh Tao

After a ferry journey that seemed to go on for ever we arrived on the sunny shores of Koh Tao, you are met of the pier by all these people shouting "Taxi, taxi, but that's not our name so we ignored them . David had booked us into the Crystal Dive Resort, which is about two minutes walk from the pier, of course it took us about 15 minutes as we got lost! Yes I know , how can you get lost  when something is only two minutes away, it is a talent we have. 

After getting booked into our bungalow, which is mmmm shall we say rustic, but clean and that is the main thing we headed to the resort cafe where they actually do very good food, we ended up going there every day. As we sat down something caught my eye, I grabbed David and pointed at the sea, to discover it was a pretend turtle, look at the size of it . How on earth could I think it was real. 

The beach right beside us, we stayed at the Mae Head Bay, which is where the piers are and where all the ferries arrive. We arrived early enough for David to do two afternoon dives while I settled into the luxury bungalow! He came back all excited, he had seen lots and was pleased at how well he had done as he had not managed to do as many dives at home as he had planned , due to the weather or work 
Filling in his log book. 

In the evening we headed back to the cafe just as the sun started to set. 

It is very hot here and everybody is trying to cool down, this dog went for a paddle. We saw another dog , one of those little fluffy things that has a bobble in its fringe standing head first into a fan so it's hair was blowing behind it. It had a big smile on its face, really pleased with itself, I was going to take a photo but it's owner was right beside it. 

Anyone for tea, okay this is not what was being served up as you can see from the photo below it is alive and well. 

This is the bungalow from outside with the magic red flower bush. Everyday three different people would come at different times of the day and  dead head it leaving it totally bare, then the next morning it would have flowers again. 

David managed to get ten dives and he enjoyed everyone, he saw lots of different fish, many for the first time. He  also went down to a wreck and saw coral reefs.  Sadly he didn't see a whale shark which was what he really wanted to see, so now he wants to go to Mexico because apparently they go there. 

While he was diving I spent most of the time in the bungalow, it was so nice I didn't want to leave it, sometimes I would be brave and venture outside but it was often too hot. I kept myself busy reading, and even resorted to hand washing clothes to keep myself out of mischief. This island is lovely for divers but there is not much else to do, if we were to come back I would volunteer at the local school or animal shelter.  
 One day when I was in the bungalow I got that feeling, the I am being watched feeling. I slowly turned around and there was a gecko sat proudly on the pillow looking at me, I am sure it was smiling.  I managed to get a picture of it before picking it up and putting it outside. You might have to enlarge the photo to see it! 

 I let David take this photo to show I was actually on the island, I am striking my stunning model pose, wished I breathed in though!

On our last day we went for a wander and it just so happened there were two geocaches on the route we took! The first one we got really easy, then we set off for the second, David headed off into the trees to look beside this huge concrete turtle for the hidden treasure, when all of of a sudden there was this thumping noise, a coconut bounced off the turtle and rolled away , nearly hitting David. Then another came down and another he looked up and there was a monkey up there chucking coconuts at him, then David became aware of a man at the side who was shouting instructions to the monkey to get the nuts. Clever, don't you think, although at one point I thought David was going to be knocked out by a coconut and I wondered how I was going to explain that to the insurance! We beat a hasty retreat, no geocache find there. 

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