Sunday 28 September 2014

Odd bits and bobs.

A few things that I may have forgot to mention.

One of the times me and David were in Lumpini park in Bangkok, the place where they do all the exercising a strange thing happened. Picture the scene, the runners that come out in their hundreds were running around the track that goes through the park, the Zumba class is in full flow, and David was rooting about for a geocache! I meanwhile am trying to act casual and that David ferreting about in trees is normal when I become aware that everybody is standing still, the runners have stopped , the exercise class has stopped everyone just standing, I hissed at David to stand still, he is shouting "What" repeatedly at me so I gestured towards the human statues. It was like a scene from a horror film, then a whistle went and they all started moving again. When we got back to the hostel I asked Bee and NId what it was about and apparently twice a day they stand silently for a minute in honour of their king, 8 o'clock in the morning I think and 6 o'clock at night, every day!

On the Indian trip we were talking away as a group when Daniel from Germany said the people who speak the best English, the ones who are easier to understand are the Indians, to be fair the British people on the trip were from Scotland and Wales!

When we were in Nepal, me and David were walking up the road when a man walked up to me and said " Excuse me" I replied "Yes" and he said " I just want to tell you that you are a beautiful goddess". Mmmm I muttered while David said "I'll have a pint of what you're on!" Now to be fair I was looking gorgeous that day, it was the first time I had worn my shorts, so had tanned arms, white legs it was also a couple of days after I had fallen down the stairs so had a scabby knee and bruises up one leg. Obviously a look that suits me! 

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